Overwhelmed by the abundance of advice on improving your website and selling your product or service online? You’re not alone and that’s where consultants like me can help you get the important things right. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions but there is also nothing mythical about establishing a formidable online presence, standing out from the competition and attracting your target audience in order to monetise on your offering or promote your brand, whatever that may be.

Putting it all together is where the magic happens, and I can help you do that by providing you with the knowledge, expertise and practical skills to optimise your web properties (SEO, web content, social media presence, mobile apps) and be self-sufficient (or at least better informed) on how to do that in a sustainable and high-quality manner. I can also run your campaigns, write your blog posts and manage your social media properties if you require more tactical help with those tasks.

I am currently available worldwide on a freelance or retainer basis, for speaking assignments at digital events, and also through Upwork.

Check out what others had to say about my work  and get in touch for more info:

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